USS Lexington

S1, E0: We need each other.

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Episode Pilot: How does a society pick itself back up after a devastating battle against the Klingon Empire? The ideals, and the dreams of the Federation, is all that the Federation has left. And they almost lost that, during the last days of the war.

The Lexington is being rushed into service, to get out on the front lines, and re establish our diplomatic relationships with the corps worlds of the Federation. Beyond establishing those relationships, most of the corps worlds were attacked. Some of the damage is expected to be in the measurable by our current standards.

The crew of the USS Lexington set course for Star System Kora on the sixth planet. Captain Bond and his crew, must help the Koran's accept the Federation's aid, now that the war is over. A lot of Koran's are upset, that the Federation did not come to their aid, during the war. They had no idea, how badly the Federation was beaten back.

Start Date Tue Sep 29th, 2020 @ 5:02am
End Date Sun Jan 2nd, 2022 @ 10:02am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Leaping across the galaxy
by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD004 0715 hrs Various
Calm After the Storm
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
MD004 0700 hrs CO Ready Room
Getting out of dock
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant JG April Collins & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant JG Moriah Ama & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD003 0800 hrs Bridge
Another mountain to climb
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant JG April Collins
MD003 0740 hrs Various
Cutting it close
by Captain Steven Bond & Ella Bond & Lucas Bond
MD002 2250 hrs Quarters of Captain Bond
Fit Captains
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
MD002 1700 hrs Captain's Quarters
A little down time
by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD002 1500 hrs Recreation Hall
Will you join?
by Ensign Hunter Mitchell & Ella Bond
MD002 1000 hrs Classroom
Meeting the Captain
by Captain Steven Bond & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD002 0900 hrs CO Ready Room
Chatter on the bridge
by Captain Steven Bond & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD002 0850 hrs Bridge
Not your average chef
by Lieutenant Commander T'Sal & Paul Cooper
MD002 0810 hrs Transporter Room 1
Good Morning Number One, Part 1
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
MD002 0800 hrs Bridge
A Test for Posterity
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant JG Thoni ch'Vrosia & Lieutenant JG Moriah Ama
MD001, 1545 hours USS Lexington - Captain's Ready Room
Lessons for Posterity
by Lieutenant JG Moriah Ama
MD001, 1500 hrs USS Laƫnnec Shuttle Bay
My First Captain's Log
by Captain Steven Bond
MD001 2258 hrs CO Quarters
Heart vs Brain
by Lieutenant JG April Collins
MD001 2245 hrs Quarters of April Collins
What is a curfew?
by Captain Steven Bond & Ella Bond
MD001 2000 hrs Bond Residence
Our new home
by Captain Steven Bond & Ella Bond
MD001 1800 hrs Quarters
by Lieutenant JG Moriah Ama
MD001 1702 hours USS Lexington Shuttle Bay
Impressive scientific feat
by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD001 1640 hrs Arboretum
Now what?
by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD001 1630 hrs Corridors
by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD001 1600 hrs Mess Hall
How are you settling in?
by Captain Steven Bond
MD001 1400 hrs Various
Ship Tour
by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
MD001 1300 hrs Various
A Physical of sorts
by Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
MD001 1300 hrs Sickbay

Mission Summary