USS Lexington

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We need a chef

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 3:36pm by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
Edited on on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 3:38pm

Mission: S1, E0: We need each other.
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD001 1200 hrs
1402 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Most of the USS Lexington was assembled, but like most ships, Steven expected to find her half assembled correctly, and half operational. He was completely surprised, when everything appeared to be operational.

It appeared to Steven, that the Admiral was not joking when he said, he wanted the Lexington out in deep space and exploring the universe. Not every position on the ship was filled yet, and most noticibly in the mess hall.

The crew was forced to eat replicated meals. Not the most tasty meal options avaialable. Steven walked in and noticed other crew already sitting down, and a few people waiting to use the replicator. Steven decided to join the line.

Lieutenant Commander T’Sal stood in line waiting for her turn. She had come on board earlier, had gotten her quarter assignment and wasn’t to report until the next day.

She listened to those in front of her as they complained about replicated food. It was not her preference but it was efficient and acceptable.

"Where is a good chef, when you need one." Steven asked, with a big grin on his face. His comment was a little loud. He had no idea, that his vulcan first officer was right behind him.

“It would appear that it was deemed unnecessary,” T’Sal spoke up. “It would have been preferable to have one.” She watched to see what he would say in return.

Steven was a little started to hear a response from his ranting. Her voice was soft and calm. He instantly thought his first officer. The Vulcan. He was not sure, but as he turned around he noticed her presence. "Afternoon Number One." Steven said, with a warm smile on his face as he went on. "I have requisitioned a Chef, but as of yet no one has signed aboard. Starfleet appears to have a shortage of chef's. I tried to steal Alexis Whittman, but my good friend Captain De Leon already took her. Do you have any suggestions?" He asked, hoping the Chef was not a Vegatarian exclusive chef.

“I know of several,” T’Sal replied. “Who may be a available. I could speak with them and find out if they are interested, Captain.”

"That would be great, Number One." Steven said, with a grin. "Care to join me in the Captain's mess?" Steven asked.

“Yes,” T’Sal said in agreement. She followed the captain through the line. “I would like that.”

Not a typical vulcan response, or not one that he was expecting. He expected her to say, it would be suitable or something along those lines. "Great." He said, with a humble smile on his face, as he replicated a plate of food, and lead the way to the captain's mess.

"Mess hall is pretty packed." Steven suggested to her, as they went into a smaller room, and just the two of them.

“Yes,” T’Sal agreed with him. “As expected the crew congregate at a particular time to eat.” In her mind it would be more logical for them to eat in shifts.

"I believe the reason is simple, everyone is trying to board. The Lexington is brand new and state of the art. Everyone has their own reasons for coming aboard, but most of them have one thing in common. They all want to check her out." Steven said, with a hint of pride in his tone.

T’Sal considered his words. “That is logical.” She agreed. “The ship is above standard and considered impressive.”

"Impressive, well, well. That is high praise coming from my first officer, isn't that so Number One?" Steven asked in a teasing manner.

T’Sal looked at the captain. “I have a high standard for starship vessels, we are in agreement.” She caught the emotion in his voice and made an atrempt to be humorous in return .

Steven was very impressed by her response, and her naturally ability to not be baited into an emotional response. "Does the Lexington meet those standards, Number One?" Steven asked.

“I did an inspection just after reported,” T’Sal informed him. “The ship exceeded my expectations and Is most suitable to serve on.”

"A tour already, wait an inspection with who?" Steven asked, wondering who she had reported too.

“I did my own independent inspection,” T’Sal replied. “I required
"You are well within your right, but I am curious. What you learned during the inspection." Steven asked, as he started to take a bite from his plate.

“The Lexington is state of the art,” T’Sal replied with a monotone voice. “The capabilities of the engines exceed any ship I have served on.” She paused. “I did see some issues that need to be addressed. There is a flaw in security protocol I left a notation on your desk with a follow up for the security chief.”

"Dunno, the Security Chief may not like you poking around and making suggestions on her protocols." Steven said, with a big grin. He wondered, if she had forgotten that she was also the Security Chief as well as the Executive Officer.

“I hear she is a patient officer,” T’Sal replied emotionlessly. “Calm and rational in all things, she will see the logic to my recommendations.” She stared at the captain, to see if he got she was being humorous. She was not very good at it but it was necessary when working with others.

"Was that an attempt at humor, Number One?" Steven asked, with a big grin on his face. He then reached for another bite on his plate.

“Indeed,” T’Sal said in reply. “I am satisfied to see that I delivered it suitably.”

"I have never met a vulcan with a sense of humor. This will be very fascinating." Steven suggested to T'Sal with an approving grin on his face.

T’Sal took a drink from her glass. “It is an emotion that I believe is the most redeeming one. It appears after my study and personal experience it brings good work ethic among the crew.”

"I tend to agree with that. It is however unsual for me to hear a Vulcan say that, now with that said, its very refreshing." Steven said, hoping he did not offend her.

“If I am to serve you adequately I need to be acceptable to the crew,” T’Sal replied. “Empathy is an important part of the humanoid culture It would be illogical for me to appear as a first officer they cannot relate to.”

"Aren't you afraid of loosing your logic?" Steven asked. He was a little surprised to hear her say that.

“I will balance the two,” T’Sal said with determination. “Be a blend of both much like ancestors of mine.”

"A worthy goal, I wish the best of luck." Steven said, as he took another bite from his plate.

“I am quite determined when I make a decision,” T’Sal replied. “It will not require luck Captain.”

Steven grinned, an just simply nodded his head in agreement. "Understood Number One."

T’Sal looked at the captain, raising an eyebrow. Most took her matter of fact statements offensive but he seemed unaffected by them. “Is there any duty you wish me to expedite?”

"I dont have any additional expectations. I have the upmost confidence in your abilities Number One." Steven said, as he took another bite.

“Understood Captain,” T’Sal stared at him for a moment and then took a bite of her food. She always dissected those she worked with to see what she would he working with. Captain Bond was not easily deciphered.

"What are you doing after lunch?" Steven asked, wondering if she would join him for a small tour of the Lexington.

“I have nothing on my schedule, Captain,” T’Sal replied. “Do you require my assistance?”

"Require no, I do however prefer to get to know my first officer and take a small tour with my number." Steven suggested to her.

T’Sal sat forward with interest. “I prefer to get to know you as well, Sir. It is acceptable to join you on this tour.”

"Thank you Number." Steven said, as the scene starts to fade away.

T’Sal continued to finish her meal. The tour would be interesting to see the ship from the captains eyes.

A joint post by;

Captain Steven Bond
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
Executive Officer


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