USS Lexington

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How to tell Momma

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2021 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant JG April Collins
Edited on on Thu Feb 11th, 2021 @ 12:03pm

Mission: S1, E0: We need each other.
Location: Home Residence on Earth
Timeline: MD001 1000 hrs
1116 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Welcome to Starfleet Command can I get your name please?" The desk clerk called out.

"Ensign April Collins, reporting in for reassignment." She called out with a big grin on her face. She was happy that her academy days are now behind her. He wondered what small dinky ship she was going to be assigned to?"

Looks like here you'll be assigned to the USS Lexington under the command of Captain Steven Bond.

April was surprised to hear that, she had not expected to be serving on a new constitution class starship. Part of her wanted to ask if there was some mistake.

The clerk handed her a data pad. After she picked it up she thanked them for his time and then looked at it as she started to walk away noticing that it said the USS Lexington. That was a little hard to accept at first, thinking how did I get so lucky to serve on the Lexington?

Was it fake? Did someone personally hand select her? She kept wondering why her. What made her so special that she deserves this assignment, or was it one of the fact that she was just randomly selected. She hated not knowing.

Then it dawned on her and she started reading the report the Lexington was going to be a deep space exploration vessel, and that probably was the reason why she was bumped up on the list.

Not everyone wanted to complete a five-year space exploration tour, despite having it be on a constitution class starship. April is one of the few people probably who said yes to you doing a deep space exploration assignment.

She never thought she'd be selected for it being a control flight officer. But here she is, getting ready for her first deep space exploration assignment.

April the moment of reality to sink in, as she started to contemplate what would it be like to be gone for 5 years? at the same time she needed that would mean giving up seeing her family and friends again, even though she knew she'd be making new friends on the USS Lexington.

April hope deep in her heart she would have the strength and the courage to put her family life and her friends behind her for 5 years, she knew that I was asking a lot of her but she felt the calling to help serve Starfleet.

She believed in the ideals of Starfleet, so much that she was willing to consider a 5-year mission. Now that her consideration was accepted and approved now she was having to face the reality of her decision.

The decision was going to be challenging one. A little more challenging, than she thought it would be. At first it seemed unrealistic, but now that it was here. She was really nervous. And rightfully so. Committing five years to a mission, was asking a lot.

She wondered how she was going to tell her mother? They had talked about the possibility of her getting assigned to a deep space assignment. April walked out of the room, and walked over to the transporter hub, and beamed back to her hometown.

April walked back to her home, which did not take long. She lived pretty close to the transport hub in her city. She walked through the doors, she saw her mother Jennifer Collins and her little sister Tina Collins waiting to hear the news.

April was not sure how to tell her mother, that she got the deep space assignment. She thought it would be easy, but she felt bad now.

"How did it go?" Jennifer asked, the mother of Tina and April Collins. She was curious, what assignment she was given. She hoped it was close to home.

"I was selected for a deep space assignment Momma." April said, curious to learn how her mother was going to respond to the news. She was antipating the worse from her.

Jennifer looked over to April, she was excited and very sad for her all at the same time. It was an honor to be selected for the assignment, but it also meant not seeing her daughter for potentially five years.

Jennifer was trying to keep her composure. "What ship?" Jennifer asked, hoping it was a short deep space assignment. Maybe a one or a two year deployment.

"USS Lexington, she is about ready to launch. Straight off the assembly line. Non of that fancy holographic communication. Just straight up view screens." April said, with a grin. She had heard how the operating systems on the new constitution class starships were not compatible with the technology. And Starfleet was looking to phase it out.

"A constitution class?" Jennifer asked, as she looked over to April. Part of her was proud, that was a new state of the art heavy cruiser. Part of her was still sad, about the five year part.

"Yes Momma." April said, with a warm greeting on her face. She was trying to project love and strength.

"Are you sure, this is what you wanted?" Jennifer asked, trying to be very supportive. But wanting to cry on the inside.

"I have always wanted to serve in Starfleet, and explore the universe. This is a golden opportunity for me." April said, with a big grin on her face.

"That is amazing sweetie, truly it is." Jennifer said, with a sad tone and expression to her body language. It was hard for her to be supportive. Her daughter, was leaving the home, and becoming her own woman.

"You going to be okay Momma?" April asked, as she could sense the sadness from her mother.

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me. Your daddy and your sister will be here for me. You need to focus on you pumpkin." Jennifer said, with loving sad eyes. "Make some friends, it will help the time pass quickly." Jennifer suggested.

"I will Momma." April said, as she gave her mother a hug. She hated seeing her mother all sad, but was grateful, that she was big enough to put aside her petty thoughts, and allow her daughter to follow her own dreams.

"I know pumpkin." Jennifer said, as she returned her hug. She was not the only one that walked over to hug. Little Tina hugged her mother and her sister as well.

"I want to say thank you, Momma and Tina. And being supportive." April said, as her eyes teared up.

"Don't cry Pumpkin, you got this. This is a great opportunity for you to follow your dreams." Jennifer pointed out to her.

April smiled as the scene starts to fade way.

A post by;

Ensign April Collins
Control Flight Officer


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