USS Lexington

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Transfer Orders

Posted on Fri Jun 23rd, 2023 @ 7:45pm by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
Edited on on Fri Jun 23rd, 2023 @ 7:46pm

Mission: S1, E2: Unexpected Changes
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD001 1200 Hours
862 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Gerald was manning the communications station when a call came through. "Commander T'Sal incoming call from the USS Oxbow." Gerald called out to the first officer. She was currently in command of the bridge.

“Open a channel.” T’Sal instructed him and a moment later acknowledged herself. “This is Commander T’Sal of the USS Lexington.”

An elder lady, with a big grin on her face appeared on the screen. "Hello Commander, I was hoping to talk with your Captain." She said, waiting to see if Steven came to the viewer. She did not know, he was not on the bridge.

“Captain Bond is not on the bridge.” T’Sal replied matter of factly. “What may I assist you with?”

"I have some crew that need to transfer to the Lexington and I believe you have crew for me as well, Commander." The lady said with a big grin.

T’Sal raised an eyebrow. “I do have crew that are scheduled to depart.” She paused. “I will confirm with Captain Bond but I require your name first.”

Margrett Montgomery was not impressed with the Vulcan's lack of preparedness. The database could have given her that information. "Captain Margrett Montgomery, the database could have pointed that out to you." She said, with a slightly annoyed tone.

T’Sal did not show any emotion as she replied. “Yes, Captain Montgomery. I will inform Captain Bond and contact you.” She found humans to be hard to understand. The captain was correct, it would have served to pause their call and look it up.

"Please do." Margret said as the channel was still open. She wanted to talk to Steven as soon as possible.

“I will be in contact.” T’Sal replied as she ended the call and pressed her comm to contact the captain.

"This is Captain Bond, what is it Commander?" Steven asked, as he tapped on the combadge on the desk he was sitting at.

“Captain Montgomery of the USS Oxbow hailed us.” T’Sal got straight to the point. “She is here to perform crew transfers, Captain.”

"Really." Steven said with a tone of shock. "Have Mister Paul Cooper meet me on the bridge. I am heading up now, Bond out!" Steven said as the call ended.

T’Sal did not understand his urgency but she called Chef Cooper to the bridge and waited for the two of them to arrive.

A short time later....

Steven wasted very little time making his way to the bridge. "Captain Montgomery." Steven said, with a surprised look on his face. He could not believe that she was on the main screen.

"Steven, it's good to see you." Margrett said with a warm smile.

"Likewise Captain. Forgive me, but last I remember you retired!" Steven said as Paul walked over to the main viewer.

"I might have to steal back my favorite chef." Margrett said, as she smiled in the direction of Paul.

T’Sal listened as the captain of the USS Oxbow spoke. She kept her expression neutral but was unsettled at her intent to remove the chef from their ship. T’Sal looked to Paul and noted his expression of happiness. He found her words suitable it appeared.

"I would have said yes a few months back Captain, but I am sort of interested in someone at the moment on the Lexington." Paul said with a warm smile, as he continued to look to Margret.

"She is a lucky lady." Margrett said with a warm smile. She was happy he found someone at last.

"I'm the lucky one." Paul said, with a big grin. He quickly glanced over to T'Sal. Then back at the main viewer.

T’Sal used all her Vulcan learning to not show or use emotion. She imagined what she felt must be like what humans expressed. Her eyes met Paul’s for that brief moment and then she returned to her work.

Paul had a big grin on his face, she looked at him. Which told him, that his words were very sentimental to her. He appreciated that gesture by her.

"I want to invite you both to the Oxbow for a quick tour." Margrett suggested, as she looked to Paul and Steven.

"Love too." Steven said, as he looked over to his first officer. "You have the bridge Commander. I'll be beaming over to the Oxbow, will be back shortly." Steven said to T'Sal.

“Yes Captain.” T’Sal replied, looking straight at the captain. “Shall I perform the transfers “ she inquired.

"Please do, I will go over with the first batch for a quick visit." Steven said, as he got ready to leave the bridge.

“Yes Captain.” T’Sal replied. “I will have them sent immediately.”

"Appreciate it Commander, you have the bridge still." Steven said, as he got ready to leave the bridge with Paul. He had a feeling that Paul would want to talk in the turbolift. As the scene fades.

“Understood, Sir.” T’Sal replied. Her face remained blank as they walked off the bridge and on to the turbolift. She turned and immediately gave the order to begin the transfer of officers.


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