USS Lexington

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Two Weeks Later

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 9:49am by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
Edited on on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 9:50am

Mission: S1, E1: Adjusting Expectations
Location: CO Ready Room
Timeline: MD001 1000 hrs
2200 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It has been two weeks since the USS Lexington launched from Earth. They were heading into deep space, they had a couple of weeks left at high warp. Steven was in his ready room, going over morning reports. Currently Lieutenant ch'Vrosia was on duty on the bridge. Steven had asked Commander T'Sal to rotate him and Lieutenant Ama for duty shifts.

So far he was very pleased, with both of them. Steven was in his ready room, waiting on T'Sal to arrive. It was a scheduled meeting for the two of them. As usual T'Sal was very punctual.

T’Sal entered the ready room after gaining permission to come in. She observed the captain, looking at her and stopped in front of his desk. T’Sal was impressed that the captain observed the practice of being punctual for meetings. She had served under others who often were late for their own meetings.

"Have a seat, Number One." Steven suggested with a big grin on his face. He enjoyed their daily meetings. It had become a highlight of his day.

T’Sal sat down and observed that the captain was what humans referred to as in a good mood. “Yes Captain.” She replied. “I observed the crew before attending this meeting and we are operating sufficiently.”

"That does not sound like a glowing review?" Steven said with a concerned look on his face. Was the crew starting to suffer from boredom he wondered, or was it something else.

T’Sal raised an eyebrow. “Glowing?” She gave the word some thought. “You wish for praise then yes they are all doing a glowing job. If I were human I would say I am very…proud of them.”

Steven grinned, her comment was not really funny. But the way she said it, made it sound that way. "I am not looking for praise, I am looking for performance and any emotional issues we might have to tend with. The reality might be sinking in soon to our crew, that we are on a five year mission. That is a long time to be away from everyone we know." Steven pointed out to her.

T’Sal stared at him for a long moment. “Their emotions will get in the way of their duty.” She continued on. “I have not observed any problems but it is logical that they would not volunteer that information to me.”

"How do you figure that?" Steven asked. The first officer was the heart and soul of the crew. If there was an issue, then he needed to squash it immediately.

“I am Vulcan.” T’Sal said what was apparent. “It is logical that they would feel I would see that as a weakness.” She paused. “I am still gaining their acceptance as an officer they can speak to.”

"When I look at you, I do not see weakness." Steven said, wondering why she thought of that? Typically most Vulcans he knew, where a bit arrogant and over compensating ego's.

“You misinterpreted my words, Captain:” T’Sal replied. “The crew would not see me weak but would believe I would ascertain any emotion in them as a sign of weakness.”

That was a typical vulcan like answer, but he was not buying it. But on the same token, he really did not want to push the issue. "Do you feel the crew is united, the way things stand right now?" Steven asked, hoping she would say yes. His grandpa had an old saying, if its not broken, dont fix it.

“The crew has bonded.” T’Sal said without any thought. “I have observed them in entertainment after their shifts and they have united positively.”

Steven nodded, deep down that made him happy. Then he wondered how she was doing? Was she coping well. " What about you? How you coping?" Steven asked.

T’Sal had not expected that question. “I am fine.” She replied after a moment of silence. “I find our five year mission quite suitable.”

That was not a typical response from what he knew of Vulcan's. Typically they are more cold hearted, and their responses are more robotic in nature. He appreciated her efforts to blend into their culture. Or thats what he assumed she was trying to do. "I am happy to hear that, because we are only two weeks in on a five year mission." He pointed out. He had his wife and his son to fall back on, she was practically alone.

“The five year mission made my assignment quite suitable.” T’Sal informed him. “Vulcans meditate on a daily basis and I have a collection of literature I read when not working.” She looked at him. “Do you require me to congregate with the crew?”

"It would be beneficial to the crew." Steven suggested to her. "I have no doubt, you are up to the task." He said ,trying to re assure his first officer.

“I am.” T’Sal said in a flat voice void of any emotion. She wasn’t certain how she would spend time with the crew off duty but she would find a logical way.

"What do you think of the idea, of having a big feast style party in the main mess hall, where we both eat in the main mess hall?" Steven asked, wondering if she would be up to the task of eating with the crew.

“I find that suitable.” T’Sal returned. “It will aid me my quest to spend time with crew outside of work duties.” She paused. “It would be prudent to have nourishment that different species will eat.”

"Is the chef not meeting your dietary needs?" Steven asked, a little surprised to hear her say that. Or was she trying to be helpful. Hard to tell her in sterile tone.

“I am…” T’Sal thought on human phrases. “Pleased with the nourishment I have received. I thought it would be suitable to make it enjoyable for all species.”

"I though his salad bar was a nice touch, but I can ask him if you to create a couple of food islands with different cuisines on them." Steven said, thinking that was a very good idea.

“That is a sound plan.” T’Sal replied. “It will give crew choices which after studying them they appreciate it.”

"When should we have this feast?" Steven asked, curious if she had a date in mind.

“The crew will need time to prepare.” T’Sal explained. “We will need to schedule so all crew will have an opportunity to go and the ship will be amply covered.”

"Would like to lead this endeavor?" Steven asked, wondering if he should do it, or if she wanted to do it. He felt comfortable already around the crew, he was more concerned for her.

“I will coordinate the party as well as duty roster.” T’Sal said seriously. “I will leave it on your desk for your approval when completed.”

"Are you sure, I can help out too." Steven offered. He was willing to help. He waited for her response.

T’Sal never asked for help. She saw it as a weakness, a failure but the Captain had made a point that they needed to be approachable. That included her relationship with him. “I would welcome it, Captain.”

"I'll help with the duty roster if you want to attend to the coordination for the party." Steven said with a calm tone.

“That is suitable, Captain.” T’Sal replied. “I will ascertain what is required and complete it in a timely fashion.”

"I have the upmost faith, you will accomplish that." Steven said, as he grinned at his first officer.

“I appreciate that, Captain.” T’Sal said quietly. She wondered for a fleeting moment what it felt like to express emotions such as happiness and dismissed it almost immediately.

"Now that's settled, what are your thoughts about inviting someone from the senior staff to join us once a week for dinner?" Steven asked, thinking maybe she would appreciate a more neutral face than her and his family.

“That is acceptable.” T’Sal replied. “It will afford me the opportunity to engage with them on a personal level.”

"I am hoping it will allow both of us a chance to interact with them on a personal level." Steven admitted to her. He too needed to interact more with his officers.

“That is logical.” T’Sal replied tonelessly. “Interaction is required to obtain that level.” She did not require a personal relationship with crew but she had endeavored to learn their ways so she would try.

"Is everything logical with you, Number One? I know you have feelings. Even if you do not express them." Steven said to T'Sal to see if she would talk about them. He expected her to shut down, and keep her professional distance. Vulcan's in general really never liked talking about their feelings on any matter.

“It is the Vulcan way.” T’Sal acknowledged. “Have you ever known a Vulcan who expressed feelings, Captain.” It was not really a question but more of a statement.

Steven just grinned. "Can't oh sorry, can not say that I have Number One." Steven said with a grin. He knew that Vulcans were not fond of contraction words. He needed to remind himself, not to contract his words.

“I find it suitable to learn to converse with the crew.” T’Sal returned.
She was appreciative of his correction of his sentence. It was so annoying that other species could not use appropriate terms. “I have never used emotions before, it is against our way of life however others in history have done so, I am told.”

"It helps us communicate our intentions." Steven suggested to her, as his reason why. "Sometimes it's easier to communicate our feelings by suggesting it without actually saying. I think in our own minds, we dont have to take ownership of any uncomfortable situations." He pointed out to her.

“I can express my feelings without actually displaying them.” T’Sal confirmed his statement.
“That is suitable.”

"Not trying to come off as rude or inconsiderate now with that said, Is that Vulcan humor?" Steven asked, not sure if she was teasing, or being serious. So hard to tell with Vulcans.

“I was deciphering your statement.” T’Sal said her emotionless eyes on his. “Did you find it humorous?”

"I did not, I was hoping that was sincere and compassionate. I know Vulcan's don't express compassion. I mean do not express compassion." Steven said. Feeling dumb for using a contraction word.

“Captain.” T’Sal said, looking at him. “I am always honest, in this case sincere.” She paused. “It is suitable to use the term compassionate.” She may suppress her feelings but it did not mean she was void of them.

"Duly noted Number One. A compassionate first officer who happens to be Vulcan. I love it." Steven said with a big grin on his face.

T’Sal found it suitable that the captain was pleased and had accepted her. She had a long way to go to learn about human customs. “I am…” she paused. “I believe the word is pleased that it is agreeable.”

"Agreeable it is then." Steven said with a big smile on his face.

“T’Sal had contemplated how long it would take for her to find logic in her acceptance of the position on the Lexington. She had found it now. “Who should we have dinner with first, Captain?”

"I dunno, I want to meet them all. I do not have any favorites." He said, with a big grin.

“Let us start with the Chief Flight Control Officer.” T’Sal said. “Lieutenant JG Ama.”

"Alright let's do that." Steven said with a big grin. He was looking forward to getting to know Lieutenant Ama.

“Would it be suitable for me to coordinate a list in advance.” T’Sal inquired. “I would inform the crew member three days prior to the dinner.”

"They might appreciate that." Steven said, knowing if it was him. He would want advance notice.

“Is three days sufficient?” T’Sal asked him. She would require a day at the most the crew may not.

"Indeed it is." Steven said, with a big grin on his face. "We will meet with Lieutenant Ama tonight, and then plan the others ever 72 hours. I prefer dinner, what about you?" He asked, hoping that would be okay with her.

“That is most suitable.” T’Sal replied. It was logical, form her experience humans and other species visited more in the evening.

"I love it when a plan comes together." Steven said, knowing he was a quoting the A team. He was a fan of the classic films. Especially the early half of the 20th century.

T'Sal almost asked him what he was speaking of. It was most confusing but humans were always making statements that they found funny or thought provoking. She would get on the computer later and see if she could find an explanation.

"I think this was productive meeting." Steven said with a big grin on his face.

“I agree, Captain.” T’Sal said as she stood to depart.


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