USS Lexington

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A moment to ourselves for Strategies

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 7:59pm by Commander Roy Baker & Captain Gabrielle Moretti
Edited on on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 8:00pm

Mission: Lexington S2, E1: Conflict Arises
Location: USS Lexington in orbit of Lutari System
Timeline: MD001 1100 hours
609 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Location USS Lexington Ready Room

“Calling me into the office alone, it's not good is it??” Roy asked, as he looked at Gabbi. She looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

“Have a seat.” Gabbi said quietly and handed him a pad. “Once you read that you will know why and where we are headed. It is quite the first mission. I want your thoughts.”

Roy spent a couple minutes looking at it. It was definitely interesting.”yeah that is quite a mission, I hope this doesn't come back to bite us.” Roy suggested to Gabbi.

“We will need to work carefully to ensure it doesn’t.” Gabbi continued. “Do you have any ideas to share on ways to keep that from happening?” She trusted Roy’s opinions.

“A heavily armed away team, that is a precautionary step. I know it's a little aggressive on our part but the Gorn are not an easy species to communicate with.” Roy suggested to Gabbi. If they were going to meet the Gorn, he wanted to be prepared for it.

“Agreed.” Gabbi nodded. “When they informed me we were going to the border and come to the aid of a planet that was being attacked by the Gorn I was surprised.”

“We have the strongest ship in our task force so it doesn't surprise me too much, if we’re being honest. And you do have previous command experience, I think someday soon they're going to give you those captain bars.” Roy suggested to her. He believed in Gabbi and her ability to led them.

“I know we can do this.” Gabbi said with confidence. “We have an excellent crew and with you and me in command, we will be successful.

“You dont need to convince me.” Roy suggested to Gabbi. He believed what Gabbi was saying. It seemed like she was saying it for her own benefit.

“I know.” Gabbi said with a smile. “It feels good to be trusted like this.” Her eyes met his. “We have an important mission, I want to make certain everything goes smoothly. Gabbi paused. “We need to find all we can about Lutari.” It was the planet they were headed to.

“I will do some research on the Lutari System, hopefully Starfleet Intelligence has a file on them that we can use for contact.” Roy said to Gabbi. He did not want to let her down. He loved seeing those loving eyes.

“Feel free to use our senior staff where necessary.” Gabbi replied with a nod. “The more we know the better prepared we will be.” Gabbi knew Roy would do a thorough job.

“I planned on it, great minds think alike.” Roy said with the big loving grin on his face. He loved the fact how well they work together, he was regretting the day where they would be apart and he would have his own command. Even though his own command is what he truly wanted, part of him was feeling guilty about that.

“I need to go onto the bridge and see the crew at work.” Gabbi said with a smile. “I bet they have a lot of questions.”

“I learned a long time ago not to bet against you.” Roy said with a smirk on his face as the scene started to fade away. He knew deep in his heart that she was right, the crew would have a lot of questions.

Gabbi smiled at his words and stood so she could make her presence felt on the bridge. She had read their files already and knew they were a good crew.


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