USS Lexington


  • 2 Mission Posts

Lieutenant JG Cole Peterson

Name Cole Peterson

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10 Feet
Weight 170 Pounds
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Cole has short dark brown hair that waves over to one side. His nutmeg brown eyes are often filled with mischief as he thinks about a joke or prank to pull on someone. He often wears t-shirts when not on duty that show off his muscled biceps.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Geoffrey Peterson
Mother Willow Peterson
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Maddy Peterson
Other Family Non listed

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cole comes across as friendly and outgoing. He works hard, often staying after hours and lends a hand if needed. He is never the center of attention and doesn't like having to talk in front of a group. Blends in with the crowd.

Strengths & Weaknesses Cole is responsible and takes his assignments seriously. He doesn't mind being asked to do extra things and is willing to help others if needed.

He is easily distracted and has to work to stay focused. Has always had to work hard, nothing comes easy for him.

Ambitions Be promoted up the chain

Hobbies & Interests Sports, plays guitar and sings when he is by himself, enjoys the company of others.

Personal History Cole was born on June 30, 2230 in Nashville, Tennessee. His father packed up his things when Cole was ten years old and never came back. He felt it his duty to step in and help raise his sister. He would babysit while his mother worked two jobs to make money to support her and her children.

Even though he had a lot of responsibility at a young age, Cole never missed school, worked hard to get an education, his mother encouraging him and his sister to get good grades and go to college or the academy.

As soon as Cole graduated, he signed up for the Academy and went into the science program, though he studied many aspects he was partial to interdisciplinary sciences and was told he was very good at it.

He graduated an average student and was told it could be a while before he was chosen. To Cole's surprise, he had barely gotten to his room when he got the call he was being assigned to the USS Alexandria, effective immediately.