USS Lexington


  • 2 Mission Posts

Lieutenant JG Autumn Cruise

Name Autumn Cruise

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2 Feet
Weight 115 Pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Autumn is short and slim. She has long black hair that she rarely wears down. Has some body piercings.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Antonio Cruise
Mother Maria Cruise
Brother(s) Hector Cruise
Jorge Cruise
Sister(s) Angelica Cruise
Helleca Cruise
Other Family Cousin-Erron Avila

Personality & Traits

General Overview Autumn rarely shows a genuine smile, though she doesn't seem sad either. She is friendly but not overly talkative. One of those people who speaks when she has something important to say.

She shys away from relationships with men because of her guilt over her fiance. This makes her sad because a part of her dream is a husband and family and wonders why she can't have both.

Strengths & Weaknesses Autumn is a hard worker, dedicated and follows orders well. She feels guilt easily and works hard at making herself happy, wanting to see others happiness first.

She is always running late, no matter how hard she tries to be on time and is a bit of a klutz.

Ambitions Live life to the fullest

Hobbies & Interests Cooking, dancing, hanging out with friends. Loves board games.

Personal History Autumn was born in Mexico. For as long as she could remember, her mother had dreams of her daughter growing up, marrying a nice young man, giving her lots of grandchildren to spoil and helping with the family business of coffee beans.

Autumn spent her childhood hanging out with her cousins, learning to cook traditional Mexican food and other things that a good wife should know. She dreamed of leaving and following her own dreams instead of living her mothers.

Autumn dated and was engaged in high school to the son of a family friend. She dispared of ever leaving home and being stuck living her mother's dream and not her own. It was her cousin Erron who convinced her to live her own life.

The constant bickering with her mother along with her fiancé trying to coerce her into staying was wearing her down. One night after a bad scene with her mother, she packed her bags and took off,leaving a letter for her parents, along with one for her fiance and the ring he had given her. Some would call her a coward but Autumn knew it was the only way for her to be happy.

Using the money Erron had sent her she signed up at Starfleet Acadey. Autumn studied hard and graduated in the higher end of her class. It wasn't long before she was called to serve on the USS Alexandria.

Service Record 2257-Present
USS Alexandria
USS Britannia Chief Communications Officer


USS Alexandria