USS Lexington

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Making plans for tonight

Posted on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 9:26am by Captain Steven Bond & Lieutenant JG April Collins & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal & Ensign Hunter Mitchell
Edited on on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 9:26am

Mission: S1, E1: Adjusting Expectations
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD001 1400 hours
1422 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Steven looks around the room. He has a big grin on his face. "Thank you all for coming so quickly. No doubt you are all just as eager as I am to get this mission started." Steven said with a big grin on his face.

“I am.” Hunter said with a grin. “When we starting, Captain.”

“It is acceptable to move forward.” T’Sal spoke in a monotone voice.

"Just acceptable, Commander?" April asked, a little surprised by her comment. So cold and stoic sounding.

T’Sal raised an eyebrow. “I am ready to leave.” She replied. “I do not understand this eagerness to be gone.”

"The thrill of Adventure." April suggested to her, with a big grin on her face. She was really looking forward to the thrill of it all. To be out in deep space and exploring the unknown.

T’Sal had heard that humans speak of this thrill before. “I do not know this thrill I am ready to perform my duty.”

“Maybe we can teach you.” Hunter suggested with a smile. “Everyone should experience it.”

"I think she is pulling our leg." April said with a big grin on her face. She was a very intelligent woman. She had to know what thrill meant. Even if she did not believe in its concept.

“I understand what the meaning is behind it.” T’Sal replied. “I have not experienced one.”

"I'm not buying that Commander, deep down I think you have but you really good at hiding your emotions." April said, with a grin. She hoped the commander would not linger on the fact, she politely called her out on the fib she was telling. April truly believed that was impossible, not to feel anything.

Hunter decided maybe it was time to change the subject so he looked at the captain. “Engineering is more than ready to start the mission, Captain.” He hoped that this would change the subject.

April was not amused by Hunter's diversion. He could tell that he gave the first officer a chance to bail out. April knew what she felt. She knew she was right.

Mitchell felt uncomfortable. No one was speaking he almost felt as if the captain was enjoying this. He decided to not say a word.

“I am Vulcan.” T’Sal said to April. That in itself should be an explanation.

"I think for the moment, we should table this." April l said, seeing this was going to heat up any second.

T’Sal looked to their captain who had the same expression on his face as earlier. He was what humans would say as amused by the conversation. “When are we leaving, Captain?” She asked him directly.

"As soon as your ready Number one." Steven said with a grin. "Take us out of space dock, I believe Ensign Collins is awaiting your orders." He said, as he stood up from the chair and offered it to her. He wanted to see what she was made of. He had no doubt she would pass this.

T’Sal walked over and took a seat. She looked over at April. “Ensign Collins, leave space dock using at one quarter impulse power until the ship has cleared the station. according to regulations.”
"Aye Commander." April said, as she inputted the course into the computer. She wondered when Alma would be returning to duty. She was down with a illness. "Course plotted and engines are standing bye. Depressurizing the airlock, and releasing the umbilical now, taking her out nice and steady." April called out, as she moved the ship out of space dock.

T’Sal sat in the chair, satisfied with Ensign Collins abilities. She looked around at the stations, each officer was doing as expected of them.

“What are your orders, Captain.” T’Sal stated. “Once we have cleared the station.”

"Indulge yourself." Steven suggested to her, knowing this was not the answer that she wanted to hear. He needed to see how she handle unusual situations.

“Ensign Collins.” T’Sal spoke in a monotone voice. “Upon clearing the station proceed at warp three.” She was puzzled at the captains intent.

After a brief moment had passed, the USS Lexington had cleared the dock. She activated the controls to push the ship to warp. The engines started to make a humming sounds. The Lexington proceeded to warp speed.

"Nicely done, Number One." Steven said with an approving look on his face.

T’Sal looked at the captain and saw approval on his face. She questioned for a moment why he had seemed to test her abilities but it was logical for him to prove her worth.

“Thank you, Captain.” She said with no emotion. T’Sal knew it was the expected response.

"Number one, have the helm set a course for Oakania II." Steven called out, with a big smile on his face.

“Yes, Captain.” T’Sal replied. She looked over to April. “Ensign Collins, set a course for Oakania II.”

Hunter almost rolled his eyes but he remembered that their first officer is Vulcan. She would not assume the helm officer heard him.

"Course is plotted Commander. " April called out, noticing it was going to take 12 hours to arrive at Oakania System. Space travel still took longer than she would like it too. But it could not be helped. She was eager to get on with the mission.

“This will give my engines a good workout.” Hunter spoke up. “She will be pleased to show you how well she runs, Captain.“

T’Sal raised an eyebrow. She never understood this human characteristic of acting as if the ship and engines were alive.

The Lexington jumped to warp. The ship smoothly hummed through the vibrations of the hull as it created a warp bubble. April just grinned at Hunter's comment.

"We have achieved warp one, Commander." April called out, wondering how fast the Commander wanted to push it up. She assumed warp factor 6.

“Continue to increase speed until we have reached Warp Six.” T’Sal instructed her. “Continue at that speed until otherwise informed” She looked at Captain Bond. “The crew is meeting our expectations, Captain.”

"They are indeed Commander." Steven suggested with a big grin on his face. He was also very proud of the crew. T'Sal may not be able to express her feelings, but he was able too.

“Is this the point where someone is assigned to plan a gathering to confirm…” T’Sal paused. “The correct term would be celebrate our first day of exploration?”

"How do you suggest we do that, number One?" Steven asked, curious to see what her response was going to be.

“I would assign Ensigns Mitchell and Ensign Collins to make arrangements for the gathering and notifying the crew.” T’Sal replied.

"Assign them to what exactly?" Steven asked, hoping she was referring to a party.

“A party for the crew.” T’Sal replied.

She thought that was clear as they were discussing it.

"Good I wanted to make sure." Steven said with a big grin on his face.

“We are in agreement.” T’Sal said, looking at April and then Hunter. “You will plan the party and report back to me the details.”

April wondered how they got suckered into the planning phase. But at the moment, this was not the time or the place to ask that question. "Will get it done Commander." April said, wondering when she was going to make time for that.

“Yes Commander.” Hunter smiled. “You can count on the two of us.”

“That is satisfactory.” T’Sal replied. “Would you like to be Informed of the details, Captain.”

"I trust your judgement, just tell me when to show up." Steven said with a big grin on his face.

“Yes, Captain.” T’Sal replied. “Your wife and son will be in attendance.” It wasn’t a question.

"I believe they will be." Steven said, knowing he should not speak on either of their behalf.

“We will make certain they get invites.” Hunter spoke up. He and April had there work cut out for them but he knew they could pull it off.

"This will mean alot to crew moral." Steven suggested to Hunter and April. Getting the crew moral up was important.

“Understood, Sir.” Hunter nodded. “It will also give them a chance to know the both of you more as well.”

April just grinned as the scene starts to fade away. She already started to plot ideas in her head, about the party tonight.


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