USS Lexington

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Making a good impression

Posted on Mon Apr 26th, 2021 @ 12:26pm by Lieutenant JG April Collins & Lieutenant Commander T'Sal
Edited on on Mon Apr 26th, 2021 @ 12:28pm

Mission: S1, E0: We need each other.
Location: XO Ready Room
Timeline: MD001 0845 hrs
1159 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

"Ensign April Collins reporting as ordered, Ma'am." April said, as she stood at the center of the first officer's desk, and at the position of attention. Her posture was first and her uniform was crisp. She was prepared for this meeting, well as prepared as anyone could be, when it came to dealing with the Vulcans.

“T’Sal eyes had been on the ensign since she walked into her office. She noticed little things like how an officer carried themselves and the tone of their voice. Unlike the monotone voice of a Vulcan, one could interpret their mood. She could not with Ensign Collins. “Have a seat.” She spoke. “How have you settled in on the Lexington?”

April took a seat, and made sure to keep her posture. She wanted to impress the first officer. "She Sir, the Lexington is a remarkable vessel." April said, trying to hold back the smile, she had hidden under her face.

“I find it acceptable,” T’Sal replied quietly. “Have you been on the bridge to the flight station yet?”

"Yes sir, with the Captain. It was quiet the experience. One that I am eager to start up again." April said, trying to hold back the smile. She was trying to be professional. But she found it hard. She loved the idea of flying the ship.

“What made you decide on a career in flight control,” T’Sal asked her. She kept her eyes on April, wanting to observe her expressions when she answered.

"Speed, I like to travel fast." April said, as the sound of that made her eyes grow big. She loved the thrill of going fast, and being in control.

“Traveling at great speeds takes a certain skill to perfect,” T’Sal commented. “How would you rate yourself?”

"That is a hard question to answer, I believe I am very good polite. Maybe a little prideful with a dash of humility." April suggested to her first officer.

“I would say confident,” T’Sal responded. “You’re position on this ship demands a person who displays a great deal in order to react in difficult and emergency situations where skill and action is required with little time. Would you say that is an acceptable statement?”

"Confident for you Sir or me?" April asked, a little confused by her last statement.

“You said you thought you were being prideful,” T’Sal replied in a neutral voice. “I believe it isn’t pride but confidence in yourself and the position you hold.”

"One could say that pride and arrogrance, go hand in hand." April suggested to T'Sal. She hoped that the vulcan first officer, could see that they were potentially linked.

“I comprehend what you are staying,” T’Sal said quietly. “It is more suitable in the Vulcan way. We simply accept that we are confident and can perform the position we are trained for.”

"If I may, what if you have dreams you want to follow?" April asked? She would rather follow her dreams of being a polite. Despite the fact, she is pretty good around an engine. She would hate to work in engineering.

“Dreams are a risk,” T’Sal returned. “It is more logical to follow a suitable plan for what I am good at. I would not bring dishonor to my name.”

"How so, Ma'am?" April asked, a little surprised to hear her say that dreams were dangerous. She was raised to believe, they were a good thing.

“If I followed dreams,” T’Sal stated plainly. “It possibly would be something I am not suitable for. Why take that risk when there are options more acceptable.”

"Fascinating, other options than dreaming." April said, curious to see if T'Sal would go on a speach about the need for logic and reason.

“We live by different cultures,” T’Sal stated. “Logic and what is most acceptable is the Vulcan way. We do not let emotion choose our path.” Her eyes met April’s. “I am currently attempting to understand the human way.”

"If I may ask, Ma'am. To what end?" April asked, curious to know why she would want to know the human way. She was Vulcan. And there was a good portion of the crew, that was alien. So what was her reasoning.

“I believe in order to be a more effective first officer,” T’Sal returned. “I will need a better understanding of the crew and how they think.”

"I tend to agree with that statement, I believe your one on one interviews will help you achieve that goal." April said hoping she was absorbing all the information that she was providing. She could only imagine how hard it would be for a Vulcan to express and to understand the emotions of humans when they conceal their own emotions.

T’Sal wanted to respond in a way that April would know she would feel that T’Sal thought her words were acceptable. “Thank you.” She said after a moment. “That is appreciated.” Had she said it right?”

"of course Commander, and I have no doubt that if you have any performance reviews that you would not hesitate to express them to me. Wouldn't you say that's a fair assessment?" April asked with the serious look on her face.

“Yes,” T’Sal returned without thought. “I do not believe in cloak and dagger is an acceptable command practice.” She questioned in her own mind if cloak and dagger made sense?

"I do appreciate the open door policy, and the possibility of providing alternate suggestions to command." April suggested to her, hoping she understood correctly, what she meant by that.

“Suggestions are always accepted,” T’Sal replied. “But that is no guarantee they will be acted upon .”

"Fair enough, at least we are being heard. I think that will go a long way with the crew." April said, with a big grin on her face. She knew it would for her.

“It is logical to listen to the crew,” T’Sal returned. “No one person has the answers to everything nor are they always making the acceptable decision.”

"While I appreciate that, there are times though, where the crew will need to follow your orders despite their feelings or objections. I believe I will have no issues with that." April said, with a warm smile on her face.

“That is logical.” T’Sal replied. “Orders from a command officer should be followed, even if a crew member has other opinions.”

"If I may ask, where do we direct the conversation from at this point. Seems like we have reached the logical conclusion of this train of thought." April asked, with a big grin.

“I believe we have conclude this meeting,” T’Sal said quietly. “Unless there are questions you have for me.”

April snapped to the position of attention. As she finally responded. "Non Sir."

“You are dismissed.” T’Sal replied. She looked to her padd for her next meeting.


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