USS Lexington

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Ready for the next step

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 9:13am by Ella Bond
Edited on on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 2:17pm

Mission: S1, E0: We need each other.
Location: Various
Timeline: MD001 1240 hrs
793 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Ella looked around the room and smiled as the limited amount of luggage was being transported to the Lexington. Soon, Steven would be coming down and she and Lucas would be returning to the ship with him in the morning. It was a five year mission, something she knew Steven had thought long about. It would affect his family as well.

She had been on board with it from the start. Ella was proud of her husband and this position on the Lexington, as well as the mission showed that Steven was both valued and trusted. His hard work had paid off. Lucas, having been raised on starships took it in stride. He didn’t know any other life so it wasn’t like he was missing anything.

Still, Ella couldn’t help but sense that Lucas felt he was missing out on something. Like anyone, he had to wonder what life would he like if they lived on a planet, had the house with the white picket fence and a dog. It wasn’t that he was unhappy, just wondered how the other half lived. When she was young, Ella had dreamed of living on a starship, instead of being stuck on a planet.

She smiled to herself when she thought of their shopping trip earlier. Replicators were convenient and saved space but there were some things you just wanted to pick out and purchase. Ella had picked up a new game system for Lucas, a padd loaded with some books he liked to read, as well as other things he would need for school. She had spoiled him a bit today but Lucas needed some things to help entertain him. She assumed there would be other children on board but just in case she got him things he could play by himself or with one of his parents.

Lucas was presently with her brother Douglas and his son playing miniature golf. With the way their lives were this was only the third time they had physically been together to see each other. Douglas owned and operated a cargo ship and was quite successful. It just happened that they were both in the same place that they had been able to see one another.

Ella headed on her way to meet up with Douglas and the boys. She had gotten all their affairs in order earlier and found herself with some time to spare and wanted to visit with her brother. Douglas was ten years older than her, she had been in her mid teens when her parents passed away. He had taken her in, finished raising her and helped her find a job and set up classes for her teaching degree.

“Douglas!” Ella called out, heading over to where he sat. She pulled out a chair and looked around. “Where are the boys?” They were sitting in an open area of tables and chairs surrounded by places to eat.

“They are sitting over there,” Douglas smiled as he pointed to a table where a group of kids sat. “Eating banana splits with some of the other kids who live on the freighter with their parents.” He grinned. “Apparently, it isn’t ‘cool’ to sit with us.”

Ella smiled. “We haven’t experienced that one with Lucas yet but I am sure it will happen.” Her eyes met his. “I got my final paperwork completed and I am officially the teacher on the Lexington now. It was just the technicality of getting everything legal but it feels real.”

“How do you feel about being gone for a long time?” Douglas asked her with a frown.

“I am fine with it,” Ella replied with a wide smile. “Teaching on Steven’s ship is perfect for our family. Had I not been given the position I would have worked on that book I have been wanting to finish writing.”

Douglas relaxed and smiled back at her. “I just want you and your family to be happy. Lucas seems on board with it as well. Steven must be proud of his promotion.”

“We all are,” Ella nodded. She was grateful that Douglas and Steven had a good relationship. They had gotten along since they first met. “We see meeting up with him later tonight.”

“I wish I could stay and see him for at least a few minutes but we have a deadline to meet,” Douglas said with a sigh.

“He understands,” Ella said sincerely. “He sends his greetings.” Douglas had contracts to meet and he couldn’t afford to be late. “Fill me in on the places you have been.

They caught up on each other's lives while the boys spent time together and the scene fades.

A post by Ella Bond


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